Ever since our daughter has been reading the Rachel Yoder series, that's ALL she talks about. Not only talks about it but pretends she is Rachel, draws pictures about Rachel....on and on ..... I'm thankful she is so enthusiastic about reading now and enjoying this series. She is now on book 6 out of the 8 book series. At the end of her books there are Amish recipes and she asked if she could make one. I told her to pick her favorite and she chose Maple Cookies "because they are Rachel's favorite!!" So today she made cookies for the family :)
Monday, June 28, 2010
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Here are some photos taken yesterday. I can see so many changes in the kids lately. It's like all of them are going through a growth spurt all at the same time! I can really see it in our oldest right now. I'm going to blink and she will be a teenager before I know it!! We've also had to bring down the 12 month clothes from the attic for our 6 month old girl. Good grief she is growing fast! I washed all of them and was reminising with our oldest daughter about "I remember when you wore this...." "This is what you wore when..."
And you will NEVER guess what 4 out of the 6 of us have right now....yep, another cold. This is getting disturbing! Our 7th cold in 7 months. I'm seriously thinking about taking us all to the doctor next month if we get another one. It's definitely not allergies. They start off with a sore throat, move to the sneezing running nose and end with a cough. We all get it around the same time, within days of each other....I just don't know.
And you will NEVER guess what 4 out of the 6 of us have right now....yep, another cold. This is getting disturbing! Our 7th cold in 7 months. I'm seriously thinking about taking us all to the doctor next month if we get another one. It's definitely not allergies. They start off with a sore throat, move to the sneezing running nose and end with a cough. We all get it around the same time, within days of each other....I just don't know.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Happy Father's Day
My husband is a great father! He loves to play with his kids, he teaches them and instructs them, he is an example to them, and shows them affection with kisses and hugs and wisker burns :) They love their Daddy! Happy Father's Day Babe. I'm so grateful God gave you to me and how He has blessed us with 4 beautiful children.
Happy Father's Day to my Dad! You too are a great father and I'm thankful to God for you. You encourage us, support us and love us, and continue to be a wonderful example of fatherhood.
Happy Father's Day to my Dad-in-law. We appreciate your example as well and all the encouragement you have been to us as well as your support and love.
We are truly blessed!
Happy Father's Day to my Dad! You too are a great father and I'm thankful to God for you. You encourage us, support us and love us, and continue to be a wonderful example of fatherhood.
Happy Father's Day to my Dad-in-law. We appreciate your example as well and all the encouragement you have been to us as well as your support and love.
We are truly blessed!
Friday, June 18, 2010
Goodbye carpenters
The Carpenters for Christ have gone home now, and we really enjoyed meeting in the new building last night for service. How exciting it will be once it is completed and we meet in there permanently!! I believe there is a second group coming (maybe even tomorrow??) to continue working on the building. Our God is providing and we pray it won't be too long before the building is completed.
We are also dedicating our daughter this Sunday. Our first born was dedicated on Mother's Day and baby girl will be dedicated on Father's Day! Hopefully she won't cry too much for Pastor :)
We are also dedicating our daughter this Sunday. Our first born was dedicated on Mother's Day and baby girl will be dedicated on Father's Day! Hopefully she won't cry too much for Pastor :)
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
I passed!
Am I ever glad THAT's over!!!! I have been studying my 100 questions for the civics test for my citizenship test and was so nervous about it but ..... I passed!!! It took about 10 mins from start to finish and now I wait to hear when I will be sworn in. My hubby keeps saying he feels sad for me in a way. It is a big thing to change your citizenship and I'm thankful he appreciates me as a Canadian :)
Monday, June 14, 2010
6 months
Our girl is 6 months old already. My, my how quickly half a year can go by!!! She is doing great in all areas, getting close to being able to sit on her own (a few seconds by herself right now), enjoying her sweet potato (green beans not so much!), and working on teeth #3 and 4 (I can see them under the gums). The weather here has been HOT and HUMID! I feel so much for the carpenters working on our church building. I'm also going for my citizenship interview on Wednesday so you could pray for me :)
rosy red cheeks from playing outside!
rosy red cheeks from playing outside!
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Church video
I've been updating the church blog a couple times a day so I haven't had much to post on my own blog :) Here is a video I took today of the guys installing one of the trusses. Be sure to keep checking out the church blog for continual updates!
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Church updates
Continuing to update the church blog at http://BBCinSouthCarolina.blogspot.com Keep checking daily for updates. These are exciting times for our church!!
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
The dinosaur pillow is done! She did a good job for her first time. It took awhile this morning to finish off the last side. I think she was getting a bit frustrated but when it was completed, she was quite happy....and so was brother! I gave her a blunt tapestry needle to work with for her first project which made it difficult getting through the fabric at times. She wants to make a quilt next (very ambitious) but I told her she needs to do a couple more pillows first to practice her stitching :)
Saturday, June 5, 2010
She is now learning how to sew! We are starting with something simple....a pillow. She wants her first pillow to be for her brother "because he was just so nice to me today!" We went to the store and let brother pick out his fabric of choice....of course it was dinosaurs! She measured her material, marked and cut, marked the edges as a guide to hand sew, threaded her needle, and I showed her the first few stitches and off she went.....
So far she says it's lots of fun! There have been some tangles and redo's along the way but I'm glad she is having fun with it and learning! She can't wait to use the sewing machine, but I told her she needed to learn to hand sew first. Today she says "I'm learning what Mommy's do!" I'm glad I can teach you my babe :)
So far she says it's lots of fun! There have been some tangles and redo's along the way but I'm glad she is having fun with it and learning! She can't wait to use the sewing machine, but I told her she needed to learn to hand sew first. Today she says "I'm learning what Mommy's do!" I'm glad I can teach you my babe :)
Thursday, June 3, 2010
All on her own
Today I had our daughter bake cupcakes all on her own (no help at all!). I stood back and watched (and only piped in when it got to putting the batter into the paper cups....she was a little too free with the arms and spreading batter everywhere!)
reading her instructions and gathering ingredients
measuring out water and oil
adding the eggs
ooppss...forgot the dry mix!
mixing it up
rechecking the directions
pouring it into cups
into the oven
she was so excited when she was done and hugged and thanked me. I realized I have not been getting her involved enough in the aspects of home. I'm enjoying the new blog about Raising Godly Homemakers and that is one thing I pray our daughters grow up to be!!
reading her instructions and gathering ingredients
measuring out water and oil
adding the eggs
ooppss...forgot the dry mix!
mixing it up
rechecking the directions
pouring it into cups
into the oven
she was so excited when she was done and hugged and thanked me. I realized I have not been getting her involved enough in the aspects of home. I'm enjoying the new blog about Raising Godly Homemakers and that is one thing I pray our daughters grow up to be!!
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
First food!
We are not quite crawling yet....but she somehow scoots her body around, at least in circles anyway! She is trying to figure out how her legs works and she is still so fascinated with her hands. It's funny watching her stare at her hands and fingers with such concentration. Today we also had some cereal for the first time. This is the longest I have waited to introduce solids (she'll be 6 months next week). She has been quite fussy tonight, so I'm not sure if she is very happy with this new digestion. We'll try again tomorrow and see how she does :)
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Raising Homemakers
A great new blog has been started and is one I'm looking forward to keeping up with. Mom's will be given some great, Godly advice and ideas at Raising Homemakers from mothers who want to raise and teach their daughters to be Godly homemakers. Add them to your blog list!