Thursday, September 30, 2010

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


I've added a new blog to my blog list along the left hand side. I've been reading through Like A Warm Cup of Coffee and it has some great reading! Hope you enjoy it too.

Sunday, September 26, 2010


Here's a pic before heading off to church. This gives me so much to be thankful for!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Back for more

We went back to the book sale today to see if they had anything new and to go through what was left. It looked a whole lot sparcer this time through! But I did manage to pick up another 18 pounds worth of books for $1.80 :)

Our boys went for their yearly check up with the pediatrician yesterday. I passed on the booster shots for our 5 yr old but needed to catch up on our 3 yr old's vaccinations. By the time the evening rolled around, both his legs were swollen and he had a lot of trouble walking. My poor boy. Today is much better but still some swelling.

Potty training is still going well. He is now letting me know when he has to go. We've been giving him gummy worms as a reward and he's almost done his second package!! Our potty trips end with "I'm a good boy??" "I get gummy worms?"

We are also looking into starting a new subject for a family. We've been looking at "Hey Andrew! Teach me some Greek" which teaches Bible greek for young children to adult. If anyone has any experience with it, I'd love to hear about it!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Great sale!

My sister in law called me up to let me know about a homeschooling sale. I got all giddy :) Two of my favorite things wrapped in one....homeschooling....and sales!! It was more like a giveaway actually. One pound of books = 10 cents. How can you beat that? We walked out with over 45 pounds of books for $4.60. I have a smile just typing it....haha. God is good!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Random pics

We had a good weekend. We went down to see hubby's grandparents and did some shooting. I can still say I'm not fond of guns!! Those suckers were powerful and intimidating. I enjoy shooting the rifle, but the handguns are not my thing! We also celebrated Granddad's birthday which was nice. Happy Birthday Granddad!
My grandparents also just celebrated their 68th wedding anniversary yesterday. Happy Anniversary to you both. We miss you and love you!
Our daughter has started taking typing lessons. Grandpa L found her a great typing program and also gave her her very own real computer! Needless to say she is very excited and has been doing well with her lessons.
Here are a few random pics over the last several days. Our boy is enjoying his birthday present from Aunt/Uncle & cousins in the tub. The little foam pieces stick to the side of the tub when wet. He didn't want to get out!

Friday, September 17, 2010

3rd birthday party

Today we had a party! A dinosaur party! Our boy was very happy with his cake and we had a good time with family tonight. He's looking so grown up!!!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Lovin' my day

It's been pretty quiet this morning. Kids doing their schoolwork, little ones playing..... Here is some stuff our big boy has been working on. He is learning proper sentence structure, dictation/spelling, putting numbers in order....
Our little guy is spending his first day in 'big boy' underwear! He has been good with staying dry all day (as long as I continually remind him).
Today I'll be making his cake for the party tomorrow. I hope I can get my thoughts together and have it turn out nice :) We've got dinosaurs, volcano and lava, rocks....ooohhh here goes!

these sentences were dictated to him

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Birthday Boy

Our boy turns 3 today! What a joy he has brought to our family. Although his party is not until Friday, we celebrated with him today as a family. He was excited to finally get HIS OWN coon-skin cap and gun, so now he doesn't have to ask for big brother's anymore. Sister bought him a coloring book and brother bought him some G.I. Joe type men. He was one happy boy. Thank you to family who sent him cards. He loved opening them! We finished the afternoon with Thomas cupcakes that Daddy got for him. Happy Birthday my big boy.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Cake order

Today a lady from church is coming to pick up a cake for her office staff meeting tomorrow. She wanted just a simple 'school' theme to it. I'm pleased with the overall look....hope she is pleased. Friday we will be having our boy's party....dinosaur theme. Should be fun!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Looking ahead

I've got a busy week ahead of me! I have 2 cakes this week (one is an order!) and the other for our boy who will be 3!!!! We are also potty training....he stays dry for the most part (mostly because I remind him it's time to go) but there have been occassions he has told me it's time.

Our baby girl just turned 9 months. She now has 5 teeth, is clapping her hands, pulling herself up, usually quite happy, but bedtime.......goodness! She feeds 2-3 times through the night and it is wearing me out. I have tried to let her cry it out at night but because the crib is in our room, we don't get any sleep that way. I just nurse her and she falls back to sleep again. I think it's a comfort thing right now.

Time to put the little one's down for a nap....I think I could use one too!

Saturday, September 11, 2010


In science we have been studying the sun for the past week. It has been very interesting! I didn't know about this website,, but they show updated pictures of the sun and if you scroll down to the video in the middle of the page, you can see a sun flare shooting off the sun. How cool! Here is the sun as of Sept 9.

Watch a solar flare

Friday, September 10, 2010

Another giveaway

Here's another giveaway from Raising Homemakers. It's something I've been wanting for a couple years. We have all the novels in the series for Little House on the Prairie and this would be a great help to turn it into a unit study! Here's hoping :)

Thursday, September 9, 2010


This should be interesting when it comes out :)

IndoctriNation Trailer from IndoctriNation on Vimeo.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Enter the giveaway

Another giveaway from Raising Homemakers!! Enter for the great book bundle for Mother and Daughter.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

My week

So what has gone on with me and the family this week.....

Last Saturday we took the family to a really cool tunnel.
"It is 1,617 foot long. Started in 1852 to connect Charleston to Knoxville and eventually on to Cincinnati, the Civil War—and lack of funds—brought construction to a halt. While there were various efforts by the Blue Ridge Railroad to revive the tunnel, none of them came to pass and it stands today as a monument to the efforts of pre-Civil War engineering."
We didn't have a strong enough flashlight so we didn't make it very far before we were in total darkness and had to turn around. We will know for next time!!

Hubby has been wanting to learn to play the guitar. He is not very musically inclined but he has had an interest in the guitar, so we bought one for him and I am very surprised at how determined he has been to sit down every night and practice! He is doing well at learning his notes and finger positions. I, too, have been practicing it and love the strumming aspect. I just need to get my fingers moving faster. We are both enjoying it, but our fingertips are raw :)

I went and got my hair cut....short! I had grown in quite long (hubby's request) but the ends were just so damaged. The kids are still getting used to it :)

We went to a birthday party today. Our son's friend at church is turning 5 and invited her friends (and their families) over for a slip 'n slide, cookout and cake afternoon. The kids had fun being pulled along the slide while Daddy and another man got very out of breath pulling them! I had been wanting to try some royal icing/cookies and thought this was the perfect chance. Along with a fun make-up set for her, I made some special cookies. They were soooo tasty....but alot of work!!