Tuesday, April 30, 2013

New bird!

Our new bird at the feeder!  This is a Common Grackle.  This type rarely comes around and when it does, they don't stick around for very long.  My pics aren't very clear because I had to snap pics real quick and couldn't focus properly.  Neat though huh!!!

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Presidents from memory

We have been studying the presidents for the past couple weeks.  The kids have finally memorized all of them!  Here they each are, reciting the names.  Our 7 yr old did it with his eyes closed to show that no one received any 'helps' or 'hints' while reciting.   The 2 older ones recite complete names while our 5 yr old recites just last names. (Even our 3 yr old has most of them down pat!!)
**Be patient - they are big files and may take a moment to load :)

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

New birds for today

Here are some new birds from today.  Their names are under their pictures.
Male Eastern Towhee

Female Eastern Towhee

Northern Mockingbird - Tennessee State bird

Downy Woodpecker

Brown-headed Cowbird

Here is a fight I captured at the birdfeeder

Monday, April 22, 2013

Giveaway and birds

Great giveaway going on over at Jill's Home Remedies  Go enter!!!

With the beautiful weather, we have had quite a few birds to the feeder.  Here are some of them!  Our Indigo Bunting is back....yeah!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, April 20, 2013

One year pictures

We took our girl to have her one year photos done today and here they are!  Number one is the one we bought.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Happy Birthday to Mama-(Me)a

Here is a birthday song for me today from my kiddos

Here is a song my daughter made for me yesterday too....so funny

Monday, April 15, 2013

My girls

Here are my 3 matching beauties :)

Sunday, April 14, 2013


My 7 year old is outside play fighting with a much larger neighbor boy.  I'm keeping a close eye by the opened window.  My son pipes up and tells the boy "if you kill me, my mom will never forgive you!"
Too funny!

Friday, April 12, 2013

Birthday girl

Our baby girl turned one year old today.  We had a big fish cake and what fun she had playing with it!!  None ever made it to her mouth but she sure made a mess :)  Thank you for all the cards and gifts for her.  What a blessing she is to us!!
...and check out those top 2 teeth coming in!!!