Monday, March 9, 2009

How does your garden grow...

We are attempting another garden this year. Last years did not turn out well. Our tomatoes were tiny, our corn didn't even make it, and we got maybe a handful of beans... Our soil here is red clay which does not help for producing a bountiful garden! Since we are trying it in the same spot, the soil looks a little better this time around and we are going to add some Miracle Grow. This year we will attempt corn, beans, cucumber, tomatoes, broccoli and cantalope. Maybe we will get a little more rain this year too which will help!!
Here are the kids helping daddy (more like getting dirty) and finishing off the day with a 'little bike' race.


  1. I sure hope the kids do not get near the machine out side?They look a little to close for comfort to me.They are so quick,and seconds can change their life forever.(and yours too!!)That is a scarey picture!!!
    On a more happier note.I love the idea of a garden.It would certainly help out with groceries. It can be fun if your into that,and have the time to look after it.I wish you well.

  2. Mom...before you have a heart attack...the kids were not that close. I think the angle of the photo is deceiving :) We do keep an eye on them!! They were having fun getting dirty. Their shoes are red!!

  3. same here.... except this year we are trying the square foot garden technique. Hopefully we will get more than a few green beans, corn, and cucumber!

  4. Dear Mom- I will watch the kids like hawks while I am visiting! Cheers!
