Friday, October 29, 2010
Another giveaway
Here's another giveaway at Raising Homemakers! Enter to win a collection of paper dolls for your daughter. I know mine would have a great time with them!
Thursday, October 28, 2010
My Faith Box
I entered a giveaway to receive a My Faith Box at Good Morning Girls blog. If you read the entry, 153 women entered to win and the lady who had the giveaway was so torn to only give one away as a gift, she asked her husband if she could give 2 away as a gift. The husband graciously said he wanted to give ALL the women who entered a My Faith Box! So I'm looking forward to receiving mine!! Go check it out and read about it :)
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
So.......seems like it's been over a week since I've been on here! Wait a has!
So how about some updates?
School - going very well! I would say this last month or so has been the best weeks of homeschooling we have enjoyed thus far. I'm really enjoying these studies with the kids and working together as a group (rather than individual time). We still do one on one time for certain subjects, but much of our work is all of us at the table together and we're having fun! Our human body study is coming along. We have added on the pancreas, bladder, reproductive organs, stomach, small intestines and large intestines. Today was the intestines topic and yes, there was much talk about poop. The kids kept giggling through the whole lesson :) In Astronomy, we are learning all about Earth (have done Mercury and Venus). We've also been really enjoying our Biblical Greek study together as a family after supper. So far the kids have learned the first 7 Greek letters and I have to say, our 5 year old has caught on the fastest of all of us!
Baby girl updates - growing as fast as ever! Starting to cruise along the furniture. Has tempted a few times to let go and just stand on her own. No walking just yet. Hard to believe in only a couple months she will have her first birthday!
Hubby is anxiously awaiting his surgery on the 9th. Neither of us ever look forward to these (although I know he enjoys breathing better!) How wonderful it would be if this were to be his last! We stopped counting after his 11th surgery.... Hubby has also been very busy with work. Since being self-employed for almost a year and a half now, it has been awesome to see God bringing in work for him.
That's all for now. Off to bed :)
So how about some updates?
School - going very well! I would say this last month or so has been the best weeks of homeschooling we have enjoyed thus far. I'm really enjoying these studies with the kids and working together as a group (rather than individual time). We still do one on one time for certain subjects, but much of our work is all of us at the table together and we're having fun! Our human body study is coming along. We have added on the pancreas, bladder, reproductive organs, stomach, small intestines and large intestines. Today was the intestines topic and yes, there was much talk about poop. The kids kept giggling through the whole lesson :) In Astronomy, we are learning all about Earth (have done Mercury and Venus). We've also been really enjoying our Biblical Greek study together as a family after supper. So far the kids have learned the first 7 Greek letters and I have to say, our 5 year old has caught on the fastest of all of us!
Baby girl updates - growing as fast as ever! Starting to cruise along the furniture. Has tempted a few times to let go and just stand on her own. No walking just yet. Hard to believe in only a couple months she will have her first birthday!
Hubby is anxiously awaiting his surgery on the 9th. Neither of us ever look forward to these (although I know he enjoys breathing better!) How wonderful it would be if this were to be his last! We stopped counting after his 11th surgery.... Hubby has also been very busy with work. Since being self-employed for almost a year and a half now, it has been awesome to see God bringing in work for him.
That's all for now. Off to bed :)
Monday, October 25, 2010
Still here
Hopefully I'll have some new pics to post tomorrow. Just wanted you to know I didn't vanish :)
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Bridal shower
Friday, October 15, 2010
Hubby's appointment went well. Surgery is scheduled for Nov. 9th. We were hoping for sooner but they are booked solid!! He is about 45-50% blocked again. He has almost gone 9 months between surgeries this time. They are slowly getting spaced out farther and farther which is good. We still pray that one day the Lord will see fit to rid him of the stenosis completely!
Tonight I'm also making a bridal shower cake for tomorrow afternoon. Hubby's cousin will be getting married in December which is exciting! It will be great to see a bunch of family tomorrow.
So....short and sweet. Off to make cake :)
Tonight I'm also making a bridal shower cake for tomorrow afternoon. Hubby's cousin will be getting married in December which is exciting! It will be great to see a bunch of family tomorrow.
So....short and sweet. Off to make cake :)
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Just pics
Not a whole lot new going on here besides school. We did take the van in today to get a new timing belt. You could pray with us that all goes well! Kia vans have timing belts situated horribly inside so that the whole engine needs to come out in order to change it (so I've been told). We were also told that the Kia manuals are not very clear when it comes to changing the timing belt. I'm a little anxious that all will go smoothly and we won't have problems when it is finished (we've heard some bad outcomes!) Hubby is also going for a check up on Friday to the ENT. He will be having another surgery *hopefully* by the end of the month. are some pics I took the other day. She is such a cutie!!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010
It's Mama!
A conversation with my 10 month old this morning....
Me: Say 'mama'
K: "Dada"
Me: No no, say 'mama'
K: "Dada"
Me: Say 'MAMA'
K: "Dada" *giggle*
Me: It's a good thing you're cute
Me: Say 'mama'
K: "Dada"
Me: No no, say 'mama'
K: "Dada"
Me: Say 'MAMA'
K: "Dada" *giggle*
Me: It's a good thing you're cute
Thursday, October 7, 2010
I had a smile put on my face last night by the kids. We've been going through the book Uncommon Courtesy for Kids by Gregg and Joshua Harris, and they have been learning the do's and don'ts of how to behave in public, to adults, on the phone, at the table, etc.... Yesterday our lesson was behaviour while in God's house. One of the rules was to be courteous to everyone. Simple enough. We say 'hello' to all who walk through the church doors. We went to Wednesday night prayer meeting in the evening and we were one of the first to arrive. Every time the kids heard the door open, they popped up out of their seats to say 'hello'. I giggled to myslef because it is always encouraging to know your kids are listening and taking what you say to heart!
21 Rules of this House
Here are the rules for the house:
1. We obey God.
2. We love, honor and pray for one another.
3. We tell the truth.
4. We consider one another's interests ahead of our own.
5. We speak quietly and respectfully with one another.
6. We do not hurt one another with unkind words or deeds.
7. When someone needs correction, we correct him in love.
8. When someone is sorry, we forgive him.
9. When someone is sad, we comfort him.
10. When someone is happy, we rejoice with him.
11. When we have something nice to share, we share it.
12. When we have work to do, we do it without complaining.
13. We take good care of everything that God has given us.
I've given these 2 resources before, but again if you have little ones at home, these books are great!! These are coloring book curriculums with the rules listed for the home and for courtesy's in and outside the home. You'll love them!
Uncommon Courtesy for Kids

Here are the rules for the house:
1. We obey God.
2. We love, honor and pray for one another.
3. We tell the truth.
4. We consider one another's interests ahead of our own.
5. We speak quietly and respectfully with one another.
6. We do not hurt one another with unkind words or deeds.
7. When someone needs correction, we correct him in love.
8. When someone is sorry, we forgive him.
9. When someone is sad, we comfort him.
10. When someone is happy, we rejoice with him.
11. When we have something nice to share, we share it.
12. When we have work to do, we do it without complaining.
13. We take good care of everything that God has given us.
14. We do not create unnecessary work for others.
15. When we open something, we close it.
16. When we take something out, we put it away.
17. When we turn something on, we turn it off.
18. When we make a mess, we clean it up.
19. When we do not know what to do, we ask.
20. When we go out, we act just as if we were in this house.
21. When we disobey or forget any of the 21 Rules of This House, we accept the discipline and instruction of the Lord.
15. When we open something, we close it.
16. When we take something out, we put it away.
17. When we turn something on, we turn it off.
18. When we make a mess, we clean it up.
19. When we do not know what to do, we ask.
20. When we go out, we act just as if we were in this house.
21. When we disobey or forget any of the 21 Rules of This House, we accept the discipline and instruction of the Lord.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Today we finished our lessons on Mercury. I love the way our Astronomy notebooks are coming along! Here is what our 5 year old wrote today about Mercury. We are also moving along with our 'Human Body' study. Today was the spleen. So far we have the brain, heart, kidneys, bladder and spleen (and also learned about cells). The kids are loving it!

Sunday, October 3, 2010
Saturday, October 2, 2010
I'm afraid to speak too soon....but I have to say our boy has had NO accidents (day or night) for quite a while now. We have yet to venture out in public with 'big boy underwear' (we slip a pull-up on before heading out) but I think we may try it. In public he asks to go to the bathroom, and his little potty dance shows he is able to 'hold it' until we reach a potty. This may be the quickest potty training session yet. (I hope I don't have to eat my words!)
Baby girl pulls herself up all the time now. She loves to explore and play with the kids on the floor. She is getting more adventurous.
We've been having fun in school lately. We are really enjoying our Astronomy lessons, we have just started a 'human body' study, and our daughter (and myself) have been enjoying the Polished Cornerstones study on becoming a Proverbs 31 woman. Here are some pics of our 'human body' study. We traced the outline of our 5 yr old and have hung it up on the pantry door. Each day we will be studying a different part of the body and pasting our 'parts' onto the outline. They are very excited! I call this study Fearfully and Wonderfully Made. Today we learned about the brain! There are also pics from last week.

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