Lovin' this book!
I absolutely love this book so far! God's Names is a book that introduces and teaches kids many of the different names of God. God's character is expressed through his names in the Bible. So far we have learned that "In the beginning, Elohim created the heavens and the earth...." Elohim is strong Creator. The kids have learned that God is Jehovah (Self-existent), Yahweh (Unchanging), El Shaddai (God Almighty), and El Elyon (The Most High). The book covers 23 of his names (with pronunciation), their meanings, scripture and a lesson that shows this characteristic, discussion questions, and an activity. We learn more and more just how awesome our God is!!!
We also made some more butter and buttermilk today! You can guess what we're having for dinner!! ......biscuits :)
Wait a sec, Jehovah? Where did that come from? I thought that was the English way of trying to get YHWH because no one knows how to pronounce the actual Hebrew name of God because the way they got around the commandment of not taking His name in vain was to never say it. So no one knows how. (dumb) What a very cool book though! I'll have to look for it. El Shaddai is kind of a funny one too because it also implies that God provides because shad in Hebrew means breast. Weird. And Lord of Hosts is also translated a lot as God Almighty too. Hebrew is kind of a slippery language! :) Anyway, love your butter photo... my son made butter with his class yesterday and then served it with stuff at their bake sale. Must try it.