Monday, August 13, 2012

4 months

Our girl is 4 months old already!!  She is getting more vocal, loves 'talking' and smiling at daddy (I think we have a daddy's girl), she is starting to lift her upper body on her arms, has discovered her hands and loves gumming her fingers, still no teeth despite all the drooling, loves being held and carried, she's laughed a couple times so far, and loves her older siblings!!  Here are a few pics from this weekend (since we had the youngest two most times, I only have pics of them....the older ones were with Nana and Grandpa)


  1. So-so sweet and precious!!! Loved all the pictures!!! What a blessing it was to see you all again!

    Love to all

  2. Such great pictures of your two youngest girls..they are two little beauties. I love the one of the older of the two with her two ponytails looking so innocent and cute and baby has the sweetest smile.
    Praying for things to go well tomorrow and the final sale...
    Love to all

  3. Love the pictures!!! I see you as a baby whenever I look at our wee girl. The eyes are the only difference, she has L eyes. Love her smiles.
    I love that you can finally style our bigger girls hair now. Very cute!!
    Love you all so much.
