This being the week of Thanksgiving, Pastor wanted us to write what we are thankful for from A-Z. It was actually a lot of fun! Here was my list.Answered prayer
Ben, my husband, partner, friend , and love
Christian birthday (31 years)
Date nights with hubby
Everything chocolate
Family and friendships
God's Holy Word
In-laws that love me like their own
Jesus Christ, my Saviour
Kailey, Kyle, Kaleb, Ksena my 4 beautiful blessings
Laughter from my children
Music that lifts the soul
Needs met
Opportunities to share God's love with others
Pastor and his wife
Quiet moments to talk with the Lord
Reedeming Love
Snuggling with my hubby
Trips to Canada to be with my family
Unconditional love of my heavenly Father
Vehicle that runs well
Women in my life who encourage me
Xtra hugs and kisses from my kids
Year full of God's wonderful blessings
Zero-calorie treats (oopss..that's just wishful thinking!)