Friday, March 16, 2012

Canadian Homeschoolers

I received this in my email from the HomeSchool Legal Defense Association (HSLDA). It's probably headed here soon too!

Dear HSLDA Members and Friends:
Our homeschooling brothers and sisters to the north are facing the possibility that they will be banned from teaching during schooltime that the Bible is true. The law would require that homeschoolers’ academic content contain politically correct views such as tolerance for controversial lifestyles.
The vote could be as soon as Tuesday, March 20, 2012. Alberta homeschoolers have rallied, called and written to legislators, to no avail. Last week, thousands of U.S. homeschoolers called and e-mailed the premier and education minister, to no avail.
HSLDA of Canada is calling for thousands of homeschoolers to come to Edmonton to protest on the steps of the legislature building on Monday, March 19, 2012.
You can also show your support by signing this petition, which we will deliver to Paul Faris, president of HSLDA of Canada on Monday.


  1. How tragic to hear of such things here,and to see the way the government is going in what you can/cannot do in your own home teaching our children. The hate people have for Christ and God's Word. It's ok to tell lies to your children but not the Truth. It's ok to lead them down a pathway of destruction,but don't tell them the best and proper way to live their lives. Lives that would only help and make better the world, if living their lives the way God teaches and desires each one to be. God help us all!!!! We must be in much prayer about this!!!
    Love Mom

  2. i believe anyone can sign the petition....homeschoolers or not. Click on the link :)

  3. I've tried to find a Canadian petition for this, and can't find one. Interesting.

  4. Anyone can sign this petition. Just enter your Canadian address.

  5. Go to hslda Canada and click under "what's new" and there is a bunch of stuff about it....even an email.address you can write to
