Wednesday, February 22, 2012

32 weeks

Not much going on around here so I thought I would post a belly pic. This is week 32! I have an appointment tomorrow to check on her progress :) I'm sure getting exhausted these days!! Hopefully 7 1/2 weeks will go by quickly.


  1. Aw. :) I always found the last weeks flew by! I forget, do you know what you're having?

  2. Hey Cindy...we are having a girl much to our oldest's delight :) I sure hope these weeks fly by!!

  3. Hi Sweetheart.
    Don't have the baby to soon ,we have to go back to Canada because our out of country insurance covers for 30 days then we have to return home for a few days.
    Love Dad

  4. We are continuing to pray for you all every night. It looks like everything is going well at your house. We are also continuing to pray that your TR house here will sell soon. Did you find out if the landlord would let you rent on a monthly basis when your 6 month lease is up?? I surely hope so. We had two house payments when we moved here from IOWA in 1996. We owned the house in Iowa and bought the house here in Beaver Brook and it was quite difficult at time juggling payments. I have some nice used clothes for Ksenna and then to be handed down to the newest daughter. Joe will try to take the box of clothes, books and a lil' outfit for the new baby to Darlene and Mark's tomorrow night or Saturday afternoon. That way if you come to SC or they travel to Tennessee, you will have them sooner. We miss your family so much but are so glad you all are happy with Ben's employment and your new church. Please continue to pray for Joe. He is still looking for employment, but has been out of work since Dec. 14th. He started looking the middle of NOVEMBER!! Love, prayers and hugs. Clara :)

  5. Congratulations Alyssa! :) Will be looking forward to the news and pictures!

  6. Thanks for sharing the picture, Alissa. The weeks will fly by before you know it.

    Love to you all

  7. Hi sweetheart, I always enjoy seeing updated belly shots. We sure are looking forward to her arrival in a couple of months. I haven't been getting on the computer daily so I'm not responding very quickly to posts. Thanks for sharing. Love Mom.
