Wednesday, February 8, 2012

more updates

We have a fever-free boy today! Yay!! He still has what sounds like a cold, but he is doing sooooo much better. Active and hungry once again :) I know he's glad to be out of his room and with his siblings again.

My sister in law still hasn't left the hospital yet. Baby boy is doing great but her platelets aren't going back up again. Please keep her in prayer. I know they are anxious to get home and see their other children as well!!

We had a little snow this morning on the ground and in the air. Didn't stick around long, but the kids always get excited when they see the least bit of snow! I'm making several loaves of wheat bread today, so we'll see how they turn out. I LOVE homemade bread!!! That's about it over here......

***Just heard she is going home! Her platelets have gone way up. What a praise :)


  1. Dearest Alissa, Sounds like you make YUMMY food all the time. I cook all the time, too, but thought by my age, 57, I could have handed it over to others. I probably could have if I had had a daughter or two. The sons always want MAMA'S cooking, I do have daughters-in-laws that cook sometimes and share. I still love to make the CROCKPOT MAC-N-CHEESE you posted over 1 1/2 years ago. It is so good and tasty. I have tried a few other recipes that you have posted but can't remember them right now. I did make 6 tie-fleece blankets, too. Send me an e-mail about where hubby works, is it something like a theme Park that people can view the ARK/NOAH?? Joe and I would like to come to see it if possible, but I would have to use my scooter cart through the area if there is enough room. Praying nightly for you all and the new baby daughter coming soon!! :)

  2. It sure sounds like answered prayers all around*SMILE* trusting there to be a stream of better days(or better yet make that WEEKS*grin*) ahead for you all;)Take good care and stay rested up there mama!!!

  3. We were so happy to hear that our boy is feeling better. We are so grateful for how God has answered prayers!

    Homemade bread sure sounds good! I bet you all enjoyed it very much.

    Love and hugs to you all!!!
