Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Not funny

I don't know if you are aware of the constant attack Ken Ham/Answers in Genesis and the Ark Encounter face daily, but here is just another example of the attack against them from the Kentucky Newspaper 'Courier Journal'.


  1. No, I was not aware of that! What a shame for someone to do that!!!

  2. Well that is the way the world is, but through this it may make more Christians interested in in .It did me.
    Love Dad.

  3. Hi Sweetheart
    I just watched all the videos on Ark Encounter and it is amazing. My mind went to Joseph and his brothers and how the bad they did to him came to good, this is what happened to that reporters cartoon, now I will pray for that project. The people of Kentucky need to pray for their governor, he sure seems to have a good hand on things and answers questions without comprising his faith.
    Love Dad

  4. Cool!!! Thanks for letting me know. I should show the kids those videos :)

  5. I am so excited about this!!!!! I can hardly wait for it to open.
    I agree,Kentucky has a really good governor.
    Love Mom
