Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Growth spurt

Seems as though our son is going through a growth spurt! Every article of clothing he puts on seems to have gotten shorter and he's always wanting to eat!! (maybe that's just boys in general :) He will be turning four in a couple months which is so hard to believe! He is already talking about his birthday and cake (I believe it is trains this year). We had a big accomplishment today in school. After months and months of working on our numbers, he finally counts to 20! He would always forget 13, then when he finally figured out where 13 went....15 seemed to disappear. Now I think he's finally got it and he's been counting all day long :)


  1. Good job Kyle!!Glad to hear your doing so well.Are you eating Mommy and Daddy out of house and home? ha ha!

  2. That's our boy!!! He's doing great!!! I loved the video - so cute!
