Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Great sale!

My sister in law called me up to let me know about a homeschooling sale. I got all giddy :) Two of my favorite things wrapped in one....homeschooling....and sales!! It was more like a giveaway actually. One pound of books = 10 cents. How can you beat that? We walked out with over 45 pounds of books for $4.60. I have a smile just typing it....haha. God is good!


  1. WOW..sweet deal, I am guessing you will have many a fun/eduacational days and moments ahead with that there deal;)..your still smiling are'nt neat also to see God noted in the little things,so thanks for sharing!ENJOY...

  2. Oh... I wish I could have been there!! I would love to be picking up things for my guy here. Oh well, I'm glad to here the two of you got some great deals on things needed for school. God is good indeed!!!! Thanks for sharing your good news.
    Love Mom

  3. What a steal!!!!! What did you get??? Show and tell!!!!

  4. Letisha, I got 4 years of saxon math, Rod and staff readers, Pathway readers, Abeka readers, some American history texts, and some stuff to sell on ebay :) It was great!

  5. 75 pounds for $7.50. I told Mom that I felt like I stole them at that price. :-)
