Sunday, September 27, 2009

Colds, colds go away!

All 3 kids are now sick with a cold. I'm staying home with them today so no singing in the children's choir tonight :( They don't seem to mind it during the day but at night, when they lay down, I think the congestion really sets in and all 3 were crying or whining at some point throughout the night. Hopefully it's one of those childhood colds that hubby and I have already had so we won't get it :)
I've also been really tired lately!! It seems like I just run out of energy way too quickly. After my shower in the morning I have to lay down for awhile because I feel so exhausted. I set out schoolwork for our daughter (all her seatwork done on her own) and do some school with our son, then go and lay in the recliner for awhile.....etc, etc... I'm so thankful hubby is working alot from home cause I sure rely on him alot throughout the day!! I'm finding it really hard now to go out and even grocery shop for awhile...I just get so worn out! I think these last 2 months will find me laying around the house alot conserving energy :)


  1. We missed you and the children at church today! Hope they will get over the colds soon. Also, we pray that you'll be able to get the rest you need.

  2. I'm sorry to hear the kids are all sick again.Wasn't it only about 3 mons. ago that they were all sick, or was it less than that?You really sound like you are worn out.How nice it would be if we all lived close,so I could help you out.Hope the kids will be feeling better soon and that you get the rest you are in need of.
