Sunday, December 26, 2010


Have I told you how much I LOVE my new camera!!!!!!!!!!!
**A few NEW ones have been added to the bottom**


  1. Love it-love it- Such a great job with the photography, Alissa!!! I'll have to say "hubby" outdid himself with his Christmas gift to you this year. We're enjoying all the pictures you're taking!!!

  2. I am so jealous, um I mean happy for you!!!! I just another friend, that was lucky enough to catch a cardinal, that I was waiting hoping all day for a cardinal to land for me to catch it with my camera! You got some really beautiful pictures! Glad you are having fun playing with your camera. Looks very professional!

  3. Great pictures Alissa!!!! It takes excellent close ups. Nature is wonderful to capture on camera. Have you got it all figured out yet? I really enjoyed all these pictures. Keep having fun and sharing the pics.
    Love Mom

  4. I would never have guessed.
