Thursday, April 23, 2009

New bird!!!

I need help finding this bird's name. It was beautiful! I have not seen this one before.....It sat with its back to me for the longest time. It is black and white, then it turned around and wow!!! What a beautiful red streak down the front. Looks like it is mostly on the neck area. Does anyone know what it is??

Just found it!! Rose breasted cool. It is a member of the cardinal family. I am just loving researching all these birds.


  1. This bird is really beautiful.How wonderful to be able to see all these different birds.You are blessed even in this.

  2. Alissa! I am so excited.We finished supper and your Dad noticed a Woodpecker out back in our tree.I think it might be the first live one I have ever seen.

  3. Those grosbeaks are beautiful birds. They are really rare at our feeder. In fact, it's been years since I've seen one. You're are getting a good variety of birds. Now if you get an Indigo Bunting, I'll be jealous!:)

  4. ooohhh Indigo Bunting!! Those are pretty...I'll be on the look out :)
    Mom, you need to hang a feeder out back! You never know what will come visit :)
