Wednesday, April 29, 2009

#4 ?

Well....we usually don't like to do this quite so early but we decided this time we would like the prayers of our friends and family early on :)
We are hoping in December to welcome baby #4. As many who know me....I have ALOT of pregnancy problems! This is our 10th pregnancy....sometimes it is hard to believe! God has seen fit to bless us with 3 beautiful children which I am so thankful for. I love being a mother!!! Hubby and I would be so thrilled to have 4 children. I am experiencing some issues already though. We have seen a heartbeat which is wonderful news but there are some concerning things we would really like you to pray about. God knows and He has it all planned out....for now we just wait, hoping and praying that all will be well.


  1. You know we are happy for you and we're praying for you and the baby!

  2. That was on the top of my what if I hope so list for prayer for you!!! Very very very excited for you guys!!! Will pray for your healthy safe pregnancy!

  3. Sweetheart,you know we want the very best for you and this child you are carrying.We pray you and the baby will be healthy.We are excited for you both,but very concerned also.

  4. YAY! I think I already shared enough with you through the on-phone prayer. I talked to Mark, he hopes to get something ready for Ben with the routers for the weekend. We are still praying.

  5. (()hugs))) You and your little one will be in my prayers!
