Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Last night was rough again for medicine and sore throat, but I think we are nearing the ending phase. Without getting too gross....I think the scabs are coming off :) We have seen and heard such an improvement with her sleeping. She sleeps very soundly with no noise!!! It's wonderful! Her appetite is good throughout the day, but still complains an awful lot about a sore throat despite being on the narcotic pretty much every 4 hours! Hopefully over the next couple days we can really wean her off the pain meds (except at night). Other than that, she's doing pretty good....thank the Lord!
In other news, hubby has had a good bit of work lately. He has several projects on the go and work scheduled through the next week. The Lord has been providing every step of the way.
I'm also really starting to feel baby kick. I'm into week 23 and will be entering the last trimester in 4 weeks....yay! Not that I want to hurry this year along, but I will sure be glad when December gets here :)
I also have a new wish list for homeschooling materials. Check out Rod and Staff curriculum for some great resources. It is biblically based and I've been checking out ebay for some good deals!
Well....supper time calls!


  1. Glad to hear she is doing pretty well. These are supposed to be her worst days so maybe in a day or so the soreness will be drastically lessened. We thank the Lord for hubby's work opportunities. Also, glad to hear the news of the baby kicking. That is always so neat. Hope you get some great deals like you did last year on homeschooling materials.

  2. We thank the Lord for her improvement.That is such great news about her sleeping soundly.We praise God for His care for her throughout her ordeal.Glad to hear baby is healthy and doing her thing:) It seems this pregnancy is flying by so quickly(at least for me it is),but I know not for you.That baby is sure spinning around on the baby countdown.
    I hope you can get some good deals on your teaching supplies.
