Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Growing up!

Our boy is really getting the hang of using utensils. He loves eating his eggs in the morning with a fork and 80% of the food gets in his mouth :) We are still working on things like corn etc....they seems to just roll off the spoon before entry.....but more solid foods he is really doing well with!! He not only is out of the crib now but completely out of the highchair too. He loves sitting at the table with us. He is also starting to say prayers at night during devotion time....which was a task!!! He did not take to that very well in the beginning :) His vocabulary is pretty limited right now....but if I at least get some sort of a grunt or word repeated after Mommy, I am happy!! At church now we are gradually moving him from the nursery, to training him to sit in service with us. He's going through quite a transition right now as he approaches 2 years old!! I'm going through this reminising process right now as I catch up all the photo albums etc. I can't believe all the changes in the kids from just one year ago. My babies are growing up!!!! Actually one thing I discovered was the similarities between our daughter and our youngest which really surprised me. When our youngest was born he very much looked like his brother.....but as he is changing I see much of his sister in him. I'll have to post those pictures for comparison!!

1 comment:

  1. From looking at recent pictures of the little one,I would say he has a good mixture of both sides of the family.The oldest is pretty much all L side,while the middle one is pretty much all S side.They are all good looking kids and we love them a lot!!!What a big boy he's getting to be.New bed,sitting at the table and praying.Way to go sweetheart!!!!!.Hope your getting over your cold or whatever it was.
