Sunday, July 26, 2009

A new week...

I had a cake order over the weekend. I ended up doing roses but I tried and tried practicing apple bloosoms before hand. I had a beautiful picture of what I WANTED to do....I just could not get the apple bloosom flower to look right! I guess I'll have to make a practice cake one of these days and try it again!!! Hope you have a wonderful birthday tomorrow Clara :)

This morning we had a few minutes extra before we had to leave for church so I was able to get a few photos. Our daughter looked sooooo grown up this morning!! The boys did a good job with pictures too....gotta love when everyone cooperates!!!! Here are a few to enjoy :)
Tomorrow we head for our ultrasound....during Sunday School this morning I felt a few good kicks!! It was more than just the flutters I've been feeling so it was quite exciting. Just praying all goes well tomorrow!


  1. They all look so cute!!She does look very grown up.Is that the sweater I got for her?Brown I believe.If it is ,it looks really sweet on her.That outfit makes her legs look so long.(a good thing)Our big boy is really changing in his looks!!The little one is getting so handsome.I miss them all so much!

  2. PS.The cake looks yummy!I think you did a great job on it.Happy Birthday Clara.

  3. Thanks Alissa, for a most beautiful cake ever. I love the colors it looks so good and the roses are absolutely beautiful. I cannot taste before tomorrow but I am and was one of those people that always took a little taste test around the side where no one could see it. I have been good so far today and have only LOOKED at it--4 12 hours left. LOL!! We will pray for your ultrasound tomorrow and that you will be able to see if the new baby is a girl or boy. :) I am so pleased you did not get a fever when you were sick. GOD IS SO GOOD !! :) :)

  4. The pictures of the kids are so beautiful! I loved all of their outfits and they are growing so fast.
    The cake looks so pretty, too! Great job! I wonder if Clara made it without taste testing. :) Hope Clara had a very happy birthday!
